Best Computer Classes in Neb Sarai

Learn Advanced Excel, Basic Computer, Spoken English, Tally-GST etc by Industry Experts!

100% Job Oriented Courses

All of our courses are fully Job Oriented. Whether you are seeking Job or want to upgrade your skills, Seekho Computer is the best choice for you!

Our Courses


Our students are our Pride

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One of the best computer classes in Neb Sarai. Ashutosh Sir is really very cooperative & his way of teaching is tremendous. I would recommend other students to join this computer training center.

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If you want to learn basic computer and advanced excel course in Neb Sarai, your first choice should be Seekho Computer. You will get 100% practical training with practical approach of teaching. Visit once for demo.


I joined Seekho Computer for Advanced Excel Course. After getting hands on so many formulas I am now comfortable in my office. I make a lot of reports faster than earlier. It was my wise and best decision to join Seekho Computer Institute. 

Prateek Dev

My brother told me to join Basic Computer Classes from Seekho Computer as he had taken training earlier from this institute. He was very much impressed with the training quality of Ashutosh Sir. After joining this center I also feel I am at right place.

Rohit Jaiswal